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What Are Some Red Flags That I Should Look Out For?

I generally define red flags as common-sense. For instance, if it’s a billable case, you are supposed to be getting billed each month. Many small law offices do not have big billing machines, but they should be billing approximately every month. If they are not, you need to have a conversation with them. If they’re unable to do that, that would be a concern. If you’re calling your attorney, and they’re…

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What Realistic Expectations Should You Expect From Your Attorney?

When someone’s looking to retain or work with an attorney, at some point they are going to have to trust their attorney and have faith in them. Most people don’t know many of the aspects of the law, and they’re not going to understand the burdens of proof and the possibilities of what may occur should they move forward in certain situations. Therefore, you’re going to have to rely upon your…

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What Injuries Do You Typically See Resulting From Motorcycle Accidents?

Injuries from motorcycle accidents range from minor to incredibly severe, such as a traumatic brain injury. Anyone who is dealing with a traumatic brain injury needs to find an attorney who has handled these types of cases before and knows how to proceed. These cases can be very costly to prosecute, and a client can be short-changed and suffer for life if the attorney is not familiar with the process. As…

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What Is Comparative Negligence And How Could This Impact My Auto Injury Personal Injury Case In Louisiana?

Louisiana is a comparative fault state, which means if there is an accident, a percentage of fault may be attributed to each party, with the maximum being 100 percent. For example, if you were rear-ended while at a stoplight and could not have done anything to avoid being rear-ended, then 100 percent of the fault would fall on the party who rear-ended you. However, in a different situation a percentage of…

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What Is The Statute Of Limitations/Prescription To File A Personal Injury Claim In Louisiana?

The statute of limitations, known as Prescription in Louisiana, to file a personal injury claim is one year. Has The Statute Of Limitations/Prescription For Personal Injury Claims Always Been One Year? The statute of limitations/prescription for filing a personal injury claim is currently one year. What Damages Are Typically Available In A Personal Injury Claim In Louisiana? There are general and special damages available in a personal injury claim. General damages…

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What Responsibilities Does Your Lawyer Have?

Lawyers have an ethical, legal, and moral obligation. The ethics of being an attorney are generally controlled by the state board, state ethics board, or commission. The ethical canons are setup very specifically. Lawyers can’t graduate in law school, or at least I couldn’t, without having a class or course in ethics. Each year in Louisiana, we have to go through a continuing legal education (CLE) class. The CLE classes discuss…

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Working Around Or Near Electricity Can Be Dangerous…A Few Things To Keep In Mind Are

Louisiana Law prohibits any unauthorized persons from working, including moving equipment, within ten feet of any high-voltage overhead line. If any unauthorized person intends to work within ten feet of any high-voltage overhead line, the person responsible for the work must notify the owner or operator of the high-voltage overhead line not less than 48 hours prior to commencing work. Work shall be performed only after satisfactory mutual arrangements have been…

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Family Law Tip

What to Expect from Child Custody Mediation in LA Child custody mediation is a mandatory process required before attending any scheduled hearing on child custody and visitation. Mandatory mediation may seem like an annoyance or even a burden, but the process is intended to prevent hardship rather than cause it. In many cases, parties wind up benefiting from mediation, and may even avoid unnecessary lengthy, expensive, and acrimonious court battles because…

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Child Support And Custody

In Louisiana, child support is guided by the statutes found in the Louisiana Child Support Guidelines. They take the gross amount of money that the family earns as a whole and the number of children and enter those figures into a table. The amount of child support is calculated when the numbers match up in the table. There are other factors that are taken into account, such as private school, sports…

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