What To Look For When Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney In Louisiana
When hiring a personal injury attorney in Louisiana, asking specific questions is important to ensure you find the right fit. First, verify that the attorney specializes in personal injury cases and has substantial experience handling them. Confirming that their expertise aligns with your particular type of case is crucial. For instance, if you are dealing with a trucking accident, ensure they have successfully handled similar cases in the past. Additionally, inquire…
If You Are Going Through A Divorce Or Separation, Keep This In Mind
Think before you put anything about your partner, spouse, or marital issues in writing or post anything online (email, text message, tweet, letter, Facebook, etc.). Whatever you put in writing or post online could end up there forever and could be seen by anyone, including the Court or your children – even if you think it won’t! In the heat of the moment, it might seem funny to take revenge by…
If You’re Not Sure – Ask!
When looking to hire or when communicating with your attorney, if something doesn’t feel right – or if you’re confused – ask. Many folks are, for whatever reason, not comfortable talking to lawyers. As a result, when they feel unsure, confused or agitated, they don’t say anything, or even look for answers from dubious sources, like non-lawyers or the internet. Your lawyer should be a willing mentor – someone who can…
Is There Any Benefit To Filing A Divorce Before Your Spouse In Louisiana?
In general, there aren’t any benefits to filing for divorce before your spouse in Louisiana. In some rare cases where there is abuse, filing first could be beneficial. However, I usually encourage my clients to talk to their spouses. Typically, it isn’t a surprise when people are looking to get a divorce. If things can be done in a controlled, non-confrontational manner, is sometimes best for the parties to be forward about…
The Importance Getting Of Medical Treatment After An Accident
Seeking Medical Treatment In A Personal Injury Claim Of course, if your injury is severe enough, you will be taken to an emergency room as soon as possible. However, I always advise my clients to visit the emergency room on their own in the days following an accident. In fact, I cannot overstate the importance of seeking medical attention as soon as possible, regardless of how you may be feeling. The…
Understanding Partial Fault, Negligence, And Damages
The following article will cover: How comparative fault affects the damages recoverable in a Louisiana motorcycle injury case. Rights and responsibilities of bicyclists in Louisiana, including how comparative fault rules may apply. The likelihood of getting a larger settlement in the event of severe injuries. If I Was Partially At Fault For The Accident That Caused My Injuries, Will That Reduce Damages That I May Recover In A Louisiana Motorcycle Injury…
Child Abandonment Laws In Louisiana
How Is Child Abandonment Defined In Louisiana? Child abandonment is a term used to refer to a set of behaviors displayed by parents toward their children. It has different names and can mean different things in different states. In Louisiana, child abandonment is child desertion. Child desertion happens when “the intentional or criminally negligent exposure of a child under the age of ten years, by a person who has the care,…
Raising Successful Kids
Good parents want their kids to stay out of trouble, do well in school, and go on to do awesome things as adults. And while there isn’t a set recipe for raising successful children, psychology research has pointed to a handful of factors that predict success. Unsurprisingly, much of it comes down to the parents. Here’s what parents of successful kids have in common: They make their kids do chores They…
The Road To Recovering Damages Through A Personal Injury Claim
Generally speaking, in a vehicle/trucking/motorcycle/etc. accident, there are two broad categories of claims in Louisiana: property damage and personal injury. This distinction is critical to understanding the process of recovering damages after an accident. In a car accident, property damage refers to the damage to your vehicle, as indicated on your insurance form. However, if because of the accident a nearby white fence, or telephone pole, or property is damaged then…